The Illustrated Man Binding

The Illustrated Man says, “ …these illustrations predict the future.”

For this binding, the inclusion of blue ink on the main figure’s tattoos could resemble anything and everything, ever-swirling, ever-morphing their shapeslike a living entity; symbiotic with their host. The Illustrated Man reclines, and observes the desolate netherworld around him. A craft bursts up into the sky...perhaps it is a space vessel carrying the elite to their new home, or perhaps it is an instrument of destruction, a missile carrying with it a world ending payload.

The ancient remains of tattooed humans found sealed within a thick bog, or encased within a frozen chasm provides a deep look into our history of passing on information through the ever-swirling, ever-morphing adornments.

Living, breathing, tattooed bindings.

Commissioned By Type Punch Matrix

Bound by Felton Bookbinding Ltd.
